"All things are connected. Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons and daughters of the earth. Man did not weave the web of life; he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself." - Unknown


Mission Statement
The mission of Sacred Lands is to remind the people of the Earth about the interconnectedness of all life by promoting community, sustainability, diversity, and ecological balance.


Recognizing the necessity for the affirmation of life on Earth, Sacred Lands seeks to re-establish balance on this planet. We seek to restore a normal, healthy state of evolution and diversity that has functioned for billions of years; a system that is now on the verge of collapse. We are dedicated to the preservation of the Earth and all the life that rely on her for survival. We seek to teach the human inhabitants of the Earth that there is a healthy way to live in harmony with all other life that is not based on the premise that the world is a resource to use as we see fit. We propose the realization that ultimate human destiny is not to rule the world, but to live as an integral part of it; that humankind belongs to the Earth. We believe the Earth to be an embodiment of the divine and hold her sacred.


Sacred Lands Articles
Coming soon...


The People Involved
Learn more about those involved with Sacred Lands. More will be added to this page as more people become involved.
